Confucius says: the better the road is, the faster you go, the less you see. The worse the road gets, the more you see, the slower your journey will be. Having read that, dear to-be subscriber/friend/guest, you are sure to be intrigued and stay with us during this 45-days-long trip so that you can get some more of this Confucius-style wisdom.
With this post we start our most magnificent blog about the most exciting trip to Georgia from the day 2: The first day was spent on the highway from Berlin to Munich (so we haven't seen much!) and in Munich - that latter part was surely very exciting but not at all off the beaten track which would be the aspect of our journey we are most eager to share with you.
Well, leaving Munich on a sunny day in July 2017 we were hesitating: should we be taking the highway or some small road in the German and Austrian Alps, where we were sure to see something beautiful but would probably add another day or two of driving and we decided for the first option. We thought since we are lucky to have 6 weeks to spend travelling we should try going as far as we can and indulge ourselves in the hidden gems of the Balkans and the Caucasus. Should you feel like retracing our footsteps you should probably know that the highway in Austria is a toll road and that you need to get some fancy sticker for your cars windscreen. However, they are quite easy to get a hold of - you can purchase one at any petrol station in Germany which is (somewhat) close to the border.
Our first campsite was at the Italian lake Laghi di Fusine. Whilst searching for possible places to visit I found its picture on google and my mind was blown away by its stunning beauty.
One detail I should have taken into account is that there are quite a few idyllic photos of the lake and excellent reviews – there were sure to be some people around.
They don't appear in the pictures but this place does most certainly attract visitors.

On the left side, there is actually a parking lot occupied by dozens of caravans and cars and Italian scouts with their bicycles. Walking around the lake you run into your fellow tourists but the pleasure you get from the serene views still make the walk a rewarding experience. Several benches set in very scenic locations give everybody an opportunity to enjoy the lake-and-mountain views from a seated position. So even tho there is a campsite, the good thing about it is that – at least in the summer of 2017 - it was still for free.

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