With the new James Bond movie coming out in April 2020, its venue the Atlantic Road is sure to get internationally famous! This might be a good reason to drive this scenic road right now.

Have you ever seen a shooting set of a James Bond movie? Having been to Halong Bay in Vietnam and Italian Garda, we are sure, they choose the most spectacular sceneries for the movies.
The Atlantic Road is no exception to this rule. The Norwegian road passes through minor islands on the coast of the Norway Sea. The man-made curves of the bridges connecting islands only add to the natural beauty of the place. There are several parking lots along the highway so that you may get out of your car, stroll by the water or just chill enjoying the views and fresh sea air.

Some travellers decide to stay here even longer – you may see the caravans parked on the islands and people in their chez-longs nearby. Some of them even stay here in their caravans or pitched tents for a night.

No matter how breathtaking the scenery is, due to the noise of the cars passing by, the Atlantic Road is not the ideal peaceful retreat. Searching for peace and quiet, we drove further north on the Atlantic Road. Our aim was to see the fishing villages - a tip from a local farmer we had met the day before.

When I hear fishing villages, I imagine some wet rotting wooden fixer-uppers, the smell of fish, nets hanging around and music from the bars, where tired sailors hang out after their hard work at the sea. Nothing from my imagination matched reality. In the village ports, neat white yachts and jetskis lay anchored in line. The houses roofs had either solar panels or moss cover and there was a 150 000 USD Tesla parked next to almost every house. Well, this is a small exaggeration, but this description is closer to reality than boats smelling of fish and fishermen wearing beanies that I initially expected to find there.

Our conclusion:
Spectacular coastline landscapes and less traffic than on the Atlantic highway make the villages absolutely worth a visit! You are probably coming to the Atlantic Road from Vevang / Eide; our tip is to follow the Atlantic Road and explore its surroundings a little more. Enjoy the idyllic views, get acquainted with modern fishing villages and feel their laid-back vibe!
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